Public-Private Partnership
Publication date 05-08-2020
Money laundering is an international problem thatrecognizes no boundaries. Preventing and combatingmoney laundering is the AMLC's core task. We do this together with public and private organizations for maximum impact. Together we contribute to financial safety, both nationally and internationally. AMLC is a partner in the international fight against money laundering and participates in various international partnerships, projects and networks. We contribute by applying and sharing our knowledge, analyses, tooling, networks and best practices. Our approach is project-based and thematic. That is how we structurally contribute to strengthening and improving the fight against money laundering. We connect the various initiatives and networks at national level to enable a mutual exchange of up-to-date knowledge and intelligence lasting value. Would you like to know more about our work in the international arena? Watch the short version of the infographic below and click here for the full version.