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New General Director of the FIOD

As of 1 October 2021, Niels Obbink is the new General Director of the Fiscal Intelligence and Investigation Service (FIOD) of the Netherlands Tax and Customs Administration. He has already held this position on an ad interim basis since 1 February.
Niels Obbink: ‘It is with great enthusiasm that I continue my responsibility on a structural basis for THE investigation service for fiscal and financial crime. Innovative cooperation with over 1,600 staff of the FIOD to make society more resistant to fraud, that is a great social task.Tackling organised crime such as money laundering, undermining, tax fraud and corruption is only possible by conducting investigations that have effect and impact. And also by cooperating closely with all public and private chain partners, nationally and internationally. We also need to work continuously on tracing and recovering criminal assets. I would like to continue building on an agile, digitised, data-driven and intelligence-led FIOD, in which it is safe to work."

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