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Cash limit

Last summer, the Dutch government launched a money laundering action plan. The plan proposes measures to tackle money laundering by raising barriers, by making the gatekeeper function more effective, and by strengthening the investigation and...

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Scottish Limited Partnerships

We already addressed Scottish Limited Partnerships (SLPs) at the end of 2017. This is a legal form under Scottish law where the actual owner can be shielded. Our article on the Azerbaijani Laundromat and the...

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National Risk Assessment-NL

First Dutch National Risk Assessment, December 2017, carried out by the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), commissioned by The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Security and Justice. Full text               Summary

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Investigation into the Troika Laundromat

Last week, the investigation collective OCCRP (Organized Crime and Corruption Project), in collaboration with, among others, Trouw, Investico platform for investigative journalism and De Groene Amsterdammer published the Troika laundromat. This Troika laundromat seems to have similar...

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Overview ML-legislation EU-countries

AMLC-NL made an overview of ML-legislation in EU-countries. This overview is largely based on information provided by the countries themselves. In 2014 the European Commission sent EU Member States a questionnaire in order to improve...

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The Second European Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and the Risks of Fraud and Money Laundering

This document is to introduce the revised European Payment Services Directive (PSD2) and related fraud and money laundering risks. It is based on input by the individual authors, written in a personal capacity and does...

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The bitcointrader AMLC, including typologies

The bitcoin traderA facilitating role in the cash out of criminal proceeds

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What does New Payment Methods mean?

Developments in the field of new payment methods (NPM) are proceeding at a rapid pace. There are new online payment services that elaborate on existing systems, new payment service providers, and the emergence of cryptocurrencies...

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Step by step plan, handout

Step-by-step plan for a conviction for money laundering without an evident predicate offence Money laundering involves objects originating from crime. It is not always clear from which offence an object originates. Even if it is...

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